I am a musician and a music reviewer, and have been doing the both for quite some time. I am starting an ambient project, under the name of Athanati Este, and I will be releasing an album called Chaos Theory, which is exploring experimental ambient.

Athanati Este @burnoutfool

Age 33, Male


Milwaukie, Oregon

Joined on 10/24/08

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800 / 900
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additions to my favorite bands

Posted by burnoutfool - June 14th, 2010

1349, 16 Bit, 2Pac, 311, A7IE, ...Aaaaarrgggh..., Abhorer, Abigor, Ablaze My Sorrow, Abnormality, Abominable Putridity, Aborym, Abruptum, Absu, Absurd, Abyssic Hate, Abysmal Sorrow, AC/DC, Accept, Achocarlos, Acid Bath, Acid King, Acid Witch, A Cloud in Circle, Ad Hominem, The Adicts, Adorior, Adultery, Aerosmith, Aesculetum, Aesthenia, Aesthetic Perfection, A Forest of Stars, Afroman, Agalloch, Aguynguerran, Ahab, Akercocke, Alabama Thunderpussy, Alcest, Aldebaran, Alestorm, Alice Cooper, Alice in Chains, Alien Vampires, Almighty Emperor, Allman Brothers Band, Altaria, Amduscia, Amebix, Amesoeurs, Amon Amarth, Anaal Nathrakh, Ancient, Ancestral Luminous, Angantyr, Angra, Angra Mainyu, Anhedonia, Anorexia Nervosa, Antaeus, Anthrax, Anti, Anti-Cimex, Antisect, Arckanum, Arkona, Armaggedon, Arthemesia, Aryan Art, Askival, Asmodeus, Atheist, Audioslave, Avichi, Avinar, Avsky, Aysenlur, Azaghal, Baal Gadrial, Bad Brains, Bad Religion, Bang Camaro, Barbarity, Barthezz, Bathory, Bauda, Behemoth, Beherit, Behexen, Belenos, Belinus, Belketre, Belphegor, Benighted in Sodom, Beyond Light, Biggie Smalls, Black Cobra, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Black Death, Black Flag, Black Funeral, Blackguard, Black Label Society, Black Pyramid, Black Sabbath, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, Blind Guardian, Blind Illusion, Blind Mellon, Blink-182, Blood Stained Dusk, Blue Öyster Cult, Blur, Blut Aus Nord, Blutklinge, Bob Marley, Bon Jovi, Bong, Bongripper, Bongzilla, Boondox, Bootsy Collins, Boredoms, Boris, Borknagar, Bornholm, Boston, Bourbon Crow, Branikald, Breaking Benjamin, Brenoritvrezkore, Brocken Moon, Brown Jenkins, Buckethead, Burning Witch, Burzum, Butthole Surfers, Cage the Elephant, Candlemass, Cannabis Corpse, Cannabal Corpse, Carcass, Cara Neir, Carpathian Forest, Carved in Stone, Celtic Frost, Ceremonial Castings, Cheeseburger, Chaos Moon, Children of Bodom, Church of Misery, Cindarella, The Circle Jerks, Circle of Ghosts, Cirith Gorgor, Cobalt, Cold Void, Coldworld, Combichrist, Common Grave, Concubia Nocte, Cor Scorpii, Corpsefucking Art, Corpus Christii, Count Basie, Cradle of Filth, Craft, Cream, Crimfall, Cro-Mags, Crom, Cruachan, Cry of Silence, Cypress Hill, Dantalion, Danzig, Dark Forest, Dark Fortress, Dark Funeral, Dark Lotus, Darkspace, Darkthrone, DatsiK, David Meshow, Dawn of Ashes, Dawn of Tears, Daylight Dies, Dead Kennedys, Demonizer, Death, Death Cube K, Deathcult, Deathspell Omega, Deathstars, Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Deicide, Derek And The Dominos, Deströyer 666, Desaster, Dethklok, Die Sektor, Dimmu Borgir, Dio, Dir En Grey, Disfear, Dissection, Disturbed, Diversant 13, DNA, Dødheimsgard, Dokken, Dominia, Doomriders, Doom, Doom:VS, The Doors, Dopamine, Down, Dragonauta, Dragonheart, Dragonland, Dream Theater, Driller Killer, Dropdead, Drowning the Light, Drudkh, Dub Buk, Dysthymia, Edguy, EgoNoir, Einherjer, Electric Wizard, Element of Eclipse, Elffor, Elite, Eluveitie, Eminem, Emperor, Empyrium, Endstille, Engelmacher, Ensiferum, Enslaved, Enthroned, Entombed, Eohl, Equilibrium, Eric Clapton, Esoteric, Ethere, Ethereal Beauty, Ex Deo, Exiled From Light, Exodus, The Exploited, Extinction Front, Eyehategod, Faith No More, Falkenbach, Fen, Fenris, FGFC820, Fiend, Finntroll, Finsterforst, Five Finger Death Punch, Flagellator, Folkearth, Folkodia, Foo Fighters, Forest, Forgotten Tomb, Frailty, Frank Zappa, Freternia, Frostmoon, Fukpig, Funeral Mourning, Gallhammer, Galneryus, Gamma Ray, Gataka, Gehenna, Genghis Tron, Gerard K. Marino, The Germs, Ghoul, Glittertind, Glorior Belli, Goatmill, Goatwhore, God Dethroned, God is an Astronaut, Godflesh, Godsmack, Gorerotted, Gorgoroth, Gorguts, Gorillaz, Grand Magus, Grateful Dead, Graveland, Green Jelly, Grendel, Gris, Guns N' Roses, Gwar, Hagalaz' Runedance, Hammerfall, Hate Forest, Heartwire, Heidevolk, Helloween, Helvetespine, Herbie Hancock, Heretoir, Hocico, Holy Grail, Hordak, Horna, Human Error, Hypothermia, I, Iced Earth, Ichor Kanker, Ihsahn, Ildjarn, Immortal, Impaled, Impavida, Infected Mushroom, Infernal War, Inquisition, Insane Clown Posse, Inverna, Invictus, Iron Maiden, Iron Savior, Isengard, I Shalt Become, Isis, Isolation, Iuvenes, IXXI, Jethro Tull, Jim Carroll Band, Jimi Hendrix, John Coltrane, Journey, Judas Iscariot, Judas Priest, Jupiter Toadstool, Kæltetod, Kältetod, Kalmah, Kamelot, Kampfar, Karl Sanders, Kataklysm, Katatonia, Keep of Kalessin, Keldian, Khold, Khanate, King Diamond, Korn, Korpiklaani, Kottonmouth Kings, Krallice, Krohm, Krokus, Kult ov Azazel, Krypt, Lantlôs, The Legion, Lemuria, Les McCann, Leviathan, Liam, Life is Pain, Lifelover, Lord, Lord Belial, Lord Foul, Lordi, Lord Wind, Lujhboia, Lunar Aurora, Lurker of Chalice, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Lyrinx, Make A Change...Kill Yourself, Malevolent Creation, Månegarm, Manowar, Marcy Playground, Marduk, Marilyn Manson, Mastodon, Matricide, Mayhem, Meatloaf, Megadeth, Menhir, Mercyful Fate, Merrimack, Metal Church, Metallica, MF Doom, Mgla, Michael Jackson, Miles Davis, Minsk, Mirzadeh, The Misfits, Mistress of the Dead, Mithotyn, Moloch, Moonsorrow, Morbid Angel, Mordheim, Mordhell, Mortician, Mortiis Dæmonium, Mötley Crüe, Motörhead, Mournful Congregation, Mourning Dawn, Mudvayne, The Murderdolls, Mütiilation, My Dying Bride, Myrkgrav, Mysticism Black, Nachtmahr, Nachtmystium, Nae'Blis, Nagelfar, Naglfar, Nargaroth, Nartulran, Nasum, Nattefrost, Nazareth, Necromantia, Necrovore, Neurosis, Nifelheim, Nihilist, Night Conquers Day, Nile, Nirvana, Nocternity, Noctiferum, Nocturnal, Nocturnal Depression, Nocturnal Necropsy Nokturnal Morutm, Noothgrush, North, Norther, Nortt, Nunslaughter, Nurzery [Rhymes], Oakhelm, Octavia Sperati, Öde, Odroerir, The Offspring, Of The Wand And The Moon, Oingo Boingo, Old Man's Child, Old Wainds, Om, Ondskapt, Onheil, Onryo, Orange Goblin, Overkill, Ovskum, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, Panthiest, Panzer AG, Paradise Lost, Paysage D'Hiver, Pearl Jam, Pensées Nocturnes, Pentagram, Pest, Peste Noire, Pestilential Shadows, Pink Floyd, Poccolus, Poison, Possessed, Potluck, Primordial, Primus, Prince, Psycopathic Rydas, Psyclon Nine, Psycroptic, Queen, Queensryche, Quiet Riot, Rage Against the Machine, Ragnarok, Rainbow, Ramesses, Rammstein, The Ramones, RATT, Raventale, Reaktor 4, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Repulsion, Reverend Bizarre, Rhapsody, Rhapsody of Fire, Rick James, Rise Against, Ritual, Rob Zombie, Rome, The Rotted, Rotting Christ, Rush, Sabbah Navahthani, Sabbat, Sacrificia Mortuorum, Samael, Samayoi, Samhain, Sancta Poenas, Santana, Sarcófago, Sargeist, Satan's Blood, Satanic Slaughter, Satanic Warmaster, Satriani, Sator Marte, Satyricon, Savatage, Schallfaktor, Schizophrenia, Scorpions, Scum, Secretly In Pain, Seol, Sepultra, Serj Tankian, Seth, The Sex Pistols, Shadowbreed, Shadows Fall, Shape of Despair, She Wants Revenge, Shining (NOR), Shining (SWE), Shyy, Sigh, Skaldic Curse, Skeletonwitch, Skid Row, Skitliv, Skitsystem, Skream!, Skyforger, Skywave, Slavogorje, Slayer, Sleep, Slightly Stoopid, Slipknot, Snoop Dogg, Sociopath, Sodom, Sombres Forêts, Sonata Arctica, Sonic Youth, Sort Vokter, Soulgate's Dawn, Soundgarden, Spinal Tap, Sterbend, Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Storm, Stutthof, Sublime, Suicide Commando, Suma, Summoning, Sunn O))), Sun Ra, Survivor, Svarga, Swallow the Sun, Swashbuckle, Sworn, Sympathy, Syrgðr Skógr, System of a Down, Taabut, Taake, Tactical Sekt, Talamyus, Talking Heads, Tearstained, Tech N9ne, Temple of the Dog, Tenacious D, Terror, Terrorfrequenz, Testament, Thergothon, Theudho, Thin Lizzy, Thorns, Thoth, Thränenkind, Thronar, Throne Of Katarsis, Thule, Thy light, Thyrfing, Todeskult, Tool, Total Negation, Toxic Holocaust, Trap Them, Triptykon, Trist, Triste, Tsjuder, Turisas, Tvangeste, Twilight, Twisted Sister, Twiztid, Type O Negative, Tyranny, Tzolkien, Ulver, Unearthly Trance, Ungod, Unholy Matrimony, Unholy Trinity, Unter Null, Urgehal, Van Halen, Veil, Velvet Cacoon, Velvet Revolver, Venom, Versailles, Vérzivatar, Vinterland, Vinterriket, Vintersorg, Vlad Tepes, Vobiscum, Volahn, Volkolak, VON, Vowels, Vreid, Walknut, Wardruna, Warrant, The Warrior Dubz, Watain, Waylander, Wedard, Wednesday 13, Weedeater, Wehemut, When Mine Eyes Blacken, White Zombie, The Who, The Widdler, Wigrid, Wiht, Windir, Wintersun, Wodulf, Wolfbrigade, Wolfchant, Wolfpack, Wolfmare, Wolves in the Throne Room, Wulfgar, Wyrd, Xasthur, Yggdrasil, Yngwie Malmsteen, YOB, Zombie Nation, Zrec, Zyklon-B, ZZ Top



That's some shitload of bands!

Judging by your taste, you should check out this bands: Raspberry Bulbs, Hunter, Horde, Acid Drinkers, God Lives Underwater, Mortification, 4 Pozitsii Bruno, Static-X, Armia, Palm Desert and Kaliber 44.
Enjoy! :)