I am a musician and a music reviewer, and have been doing the both for quite some time. I am starting an ambient project, under the name of Athanati Este, and I will be releasing an album called Chaos Theory, which is exploring experimental ambient.

Athanati Este @burnoutfool

Age 33, Male


Milwaukie, Oregon

Joined on 10/24/08

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burnoutfool's News

Posted by burnoutfool - June 4th, 2009

My Review on Samael's Above:

God...Samael...what do I have to say about them other then this is probably my favorite album of theirs (including the old black stuff). Above brought Samael a sort of raw black metal feel, which is strange because they are usually either melodic black or experimental black, and one album was even EBM (kinda). I think that Above has a great opening song ("Under One Flag"), which is in your face, brutal, but yet is very poetic. Samael keeps on astounding me with their new music, and how they can shift their sound so much, but always better themselves.

The riffs in Above are really fast, and paired with blast beating and toned out bass, giving it a raw black metal feel, almost like from what Marduk did in the pre-Mortuus years, in fact Vorph sings a lot like Legion, but adds a Varg-type rasp to the vocals. Sometimes I would often crack and ask myself if this was indeed Samael.

The artwork is unique as always, with a sort of deity like creature, complete with the Samael logo. I really have no clue what deity it is, so I cant tell you the symbolism in this art, but I can say that it is pretty cool. The deity-creature-demon is sitting cross legged, staring out over what seems to be infinite space, but I am not sure.

All in all, I am speechless at this album and how unique to Samael it is. Its like taking a huge shit after you've held it for hours...big sigh of relief everybody, as we realize that this album is goddamn near the best (if not the best) they have ever done. Go out and spend the 12 dollars to buy this album. It will change your perspective on black metal. And probably make you crave more...so be a good kvlt kid and either buy the LP or the CD.


Posted by burnoutfool - June 3rd, 2009

My Review on Eminem's Relapse:

Marshal Mathers is back! I hate to say it sometimes, but I am a huge Eminem fan. I pretty much have all his releases, except for his work in D12. I, however, cannot say that I love rap or hip-hop, so this album isn't my all time favorite album. I will say that it is a good comeback for Marshal, who already has a release lined up for later this year. The first actual single from the album was "We Made You", which was making fun of many topics, but most notably - Sarah Palin. I thought it was hilarious when Marshal dressed up like Brett Michaels and screwed the shit out of Sarah. The second single, "3am" took a darker twist, as Marshal sang from a point of a Schizophrenic person. It's interesting how far from Schizophrenia he comes, but I mean, as a song it's a great song.

I really liked how he stopped being so self centered when it came to his problems (except for the song "Insane", where he talks about the abuse he sustained). He even moved on to a more political song, "Bagpipes in Baghdad". Of course I still think that eminem is a child and forever will be a white trash redneck rapper, but he has grown just a little.

The Artwork is simple, a bunch of prescription pills on the floor that have made a portrait of Marshal's face. Relapse has the RX symbol on the R, but other then that, the artwork is simple.

As a review on whether you should buy Relapse, I'd say it's not worth buying unless you either love Eminem or you try to collect all his stuff, so just pirate the album like all the cool kids do these days. Fuck the FCC and fuck the IPPS, just steal it because that's about all its worth.


Posted by burnoutfool - June 2nd, 2009

My review on Ihsahn's angL:

I first heard Ihsahn's solo work through Guitar World Magazine, when they started to put his column in. Saying that, I can tell you from the first second I fell in love with it. angL is the second album from his Extreme/Black/Progressive solo work. His lyrics are very moving, shifting from Emperor's subjects of Satanism, Nature, and Mythology, to Individualism and Struggles. It seems that Ihsahn (real name Vegard Sverre Tveitan) has grown up and made music that more then just pagans and Satanists can agree with and understand. Its hard for me to choose between Emperor, who I adore so much, and Ihsahn, who's work is so amazing, but I can say that if you don't like emperor because of their "chaotic sound" then you would like Ihsahn, who follows more of a mellow approach to his sound.

The artwork is a little strange as well as the title itself. "angL" is a really dumb name, even if you're Satan himself writing it in concrete slabs with your piss. The artwork is very dark, but it has an angel statue sitting, seeming to be shielding its face from the "light". This could symbolize that the angel (angL?) has sinned and is shielding his face from the wrath of god. However, the angel is hard to make out because of the dark album art, which is dark grey, and the angel is just a few shades darker.

This album is amazing in so many ways. It has taken me months to take in the awesomeness of it's sound, and just the sheer amazement that this was all done by two people (Ihsahn did everything but the drums). It was a huge sound change from the Adversary, which is the first album that Ihsahn put out in his solo project. It could be that the first album he was trying to find his sound, and in this one he has it, or it could be that he is still experimenting. Either way, I'm exited to hear more from his solo work, and from what I hear, he is writing the new album as we speak.

No other words need to be said then: Buy. This. Fucking. Album. n00b.


Posted by burnoutfool - June 1st, 2009

My review on Judas Priest's Nostradamus:

Let me start this by saying that I am a die hard Judas Priest fan, and I have been listening to them since before I could walk. That being said, nobody could predict this shitbomb, not even the "great" Nostradamus himself. Granted that Rob Halford does still have talent, and forever will in my book, his vocals just don't cut it for this piece of moldy garbage. I expected more from KK Downing and Glenn Tipton, but their guitar solos seem very sporadic, very flat (or sharp) and just plain shitty. Honestly, when you listen to their older work, such as stuff from Hell Bent for Leather or British Steel, you will wonder if it's the same guitarists playing. Again, granted that guitarists often get worse with time, but not this much worse.

Another Good thing about the album (I use "good" lightly), was the interesting album art, depicting Nostradamus in the middle of the universe. This could have multiple meanings, like that he predicted the future from reading the stars, or that he was so well at reading the future that he was "heavenly".

The problem that I have with Judas Priest's new album is the fact that it could have been better. It often sounded like they were trying to make a Heavy Metal Opera (Repo anybody?) and the way the guitars would combine with the bass and the synth was just too much to handle when Halford sang on top of it. They used the echo effect on his voice in EVERY song it seemed like, making it even harder to take.

If you can steal Nostradamus (don't buy this cumstain of an album) then take it outside, proceed to bludgeon it with your cock, shit on it, light it on fire, sacrifice it to Satan, and rid the world of its plague.


Posted by burnoutfool - May 31st, 2009

Here's my review on Crack the Skye by Mastodon:

While the Blood Mountain left me cringing at the chaotic sounds that didnt mix, Crack the Skye redeemed all their previous failures. It seems that more bands are following the Cradle of Filth trend and making an entire album about a person. Mastodon's album, Crack the Skye is all about the life and times of Gregory Rasputin (except for the song, Crack the Skye, which is about the drummer's sister's suicide). It's interesting to hear a progressive/groove metal feel to such an amazing topic.

Crack the Skye also follows the elemental theme that Mastodon has incorporated to their album art. Remission being Fire, Leviathan being Water, Blood Mountain being Forest, Wood, or Life, and Crack the Skye topping it with Ether, Space or Air, bringing more of a humble atmosphere to the album, yet it can also make it seem to have open possibilities.

When you hear the opening track, it does indeed sound like another Blood Mountain, however, the album flows well, bringing thieir groove metal sense back, and differing more from trying to be an unholy combination of Rush and Dream Theater. The riffs are much like from Leviathan, however, they do in fact have their own sound, giving it more of a faster-pased, yet opperatic sound when combined with the Ozzy-like sounds of the vocals.

The sounds of Crack the Skye flow amazingly well. If you can buy this album (dont pirate it like me), then I suggest you go do it now, before the apocalypse comes.

Crack the Skye

Posted by burnoutfool - April 27th, 2009

I guess people want to know about me, because I've gotten messages asking me to put more then just my solo project in my "about" section. Here's the specs on me.

First name: Buddy
Last name: Halpin
Birth date: September 17th, 1991
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Govermental party: Democrat
Party Ofiliation: Liberal
Religion: Theistic Satanism*
Favorite song: Havamal- Falkenbach (Heralding: The Fireblade)
Favorite Bands: Graveland, Gehenna, Horna, Emperor and Make A Change...Kill Yourself
Favorite Album: Graveland - Carpathian Wolves
Instrument of Choice: Guitar
Other instruments: Bass, Drums, Keyboards, Bajno and Harmonica
Favorite Video Games: Resident Evil, Rock Band, Hitman and Manhunt
Favorite Movies: The Watchmen, Zack and Miri Make a Porno amd Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

That should about wrap up everything about me. If you dont see something post a comment, and I will add it in there (so long as its not stupid).

*I am a theistic satanist, but I have Norse Pagan, Daoist, and Buddhist philosophies.

Posted by burnoutfool - April 2nd, 2009

Briefly explaining Black Metal's history (1986 - present)

Mayhem started black metal with a release of "Deathcrush" in 1986, which sounded like rock with one difference. High pitched screeches and blast drum beats. Mayhem became a cult band in 1993, with the release of "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" which brought to the Norwegian eye that they were in fact what the public had dreaded - Satanists. Burzum a solo project by Count Grishnach, also known as Varg Vikernes, was also popular among the underground scene in Norway. He also used some of his bass work on the album De Mysteriis. Mayhem and Burzum were very close, and in fact even produced each other's albums. The problem with Varg and guitarist Øystein Aarseth (known to the black metal scene as Euronymous) was that they didnt see eye to eye on the satanic beliefs. Varg was a Levayan Satanist (non-thiestic, more psycological), and Øystein was a Theistic satanist (he even referred to himself as a 'Satanic Terrorist'). They often got into fights and delayed the production of EP's. The one who was most bothered was Per Yngve Ohlin, who was known as 'Dead' from a childhood expierience which almost claimed his life. Yngve was a manic depressant and often remarked on the fact that Varg and Øystein were fighting was one of the reasons. Yngve also worked in a small record shop, known as Helvete (owned by Øystein), which all the mayhem and burzum tapes were sold. On 8 April 1991, Yngve committed suicide in the basement of Helvete. He left a note reading "Excuse the mess". When Øystein found the body within two hours, he took photos and even made a macabre necklace out of a piece of Yngve's skull. When Øystein called Jørn Stubberud (aka Necrobutcher) he said that Dead had done something great, and it was the best thing he ever did for the band, however Jørn didnt think so. Jørn had known Yngve for over 12 years and was a great friend of his. When the news of Yngve's photo hit the public, Varg had the last straw. He traveled from Bergen to Oslo, and began to yell at Øystein and finally ended up stabbing him 23 times in the neck, head, back, and chest. Varg was sentanced to 21 years, due to his affiliations with the arsons of seven churches in the Bergen area.

Black metal has calmed down alot in recent years. Many of the recent black metal artists (i.e. Gorgoroth, Nargaroth, and Satanic Warmaster) have remarked on the early years being no different from the present, except that the artists dont kill each other. Nargaroth recieved some credit for his song "The day that Burzum killed Mayhem", which spiked the interest of Necrobutcher, and Jan Axel "Hellhammer" von Blomberg (drummer, Mayhem). Gorgoroth, who's most recent singer, Kristian Eivind Espedal (Gaahl) was affiliated with a black mass in Krakow, Poland. The entire band and Kristian put on a spectical where Sheep were dismembered on stage, and the heads were put on horrific pikes. Women and Men were crucified naked on large wooden crosses onstage, and the band was drenched in a macabre mixture of goat, sheep, and cow blood. The band was fined 10000z(~$4,658 USD) for putting on this concert. Kristian has also been arrested for brutally beating a man and forcing him to drink his own blood.

To this day, true black metal is still feared by the public eye. Many christian organizations fear this genre of music, because of its lyrics about satanism, the occult, and torture. Black metal is again taking a turn, splitting off into subgenres, such as Depressive/suicidal (Nocturnal Depression, Sterbend, Thy Light), Raw (Gorgoroth, God Seed, Satanic Warmaster), Symphonic (Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Ihsahn) and Melodic (Naglfar).

Posted by burnoutfool - April 2nd, 2009

here are some of Murderface's funniest moments :3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_88QLB CFc4

Here is Toki

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hqyjSF mtXI

and Here's Nathan Explosion.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHjj-Pm Ihlk

sorry there's no Ode's on Pickles or Skwisgaar, sorry...I will post them when I find them.

Posted by burnoutfool - March 24th, 2009

1349, Abigor, Absu, Abyssic Hate, Abysmal Sorrow, Achocarlos, Ad Hominem, Adorior, Adultery, Agalloch, Anti, Arackanum, Avinar, Bathory, Behemoth, Beherit, Behexen, Belenos, Belphegor, Blut Aus Nord, Blutklinge, Borknagar, Cannabal Corpse, Carpathian Forest, Celtic Frost, Coldworld, Concubia Nocte, Cradle of Filth, Dark Fortress, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Death, Deathspell Omega, Destroyer 666, Dethklok, Dimmu Borgir, Dødheimsgard, Drudkh, Dysthymia, Emperor, Ensiferum, Enthroned, Ethere, Falkenbach, Finntroll, Funeral Mourning, Goatwhore, Gorgoroth, Gris, Hate Forest, Helvetespine, Hypothermia, I Shalt Become, Ihsahn, Immortal, Impaled, Impavida, Inverna, Isolation, Judas Iscariot, Khold, Leviathan, Life is Pain, Lurker of Chalice, Lyrinx, Make A Change...Kill Yourself, Marduk, Mayhem, Metallica, Mordheim, Mordhell, The Murderdolls, Nagelfar, Naglfar, Nargaroth, Nattefrost, Nile, Nocturnal Depression, Nokturnal Morutm, Nortt, Nunslaughter, Old Man's Child, Peste Noire, Poccolus, Ragnarok Rammstein, Raventale, Rotting Christ, Samael, Samayoi, Satanic Slaughter, Satanic Warmaster, Satyricon, Secretly In Pain, Sociopath, Sterbend, Summoning, Taabut, Taake, Thoth, Thy light, Trist, Triste, Ulver, Ungod, Urgehal, Veil, Vérzivatar, Vreid, Watain, Wedard, Wednesday 13, Wehemut, Windir, Wolves in the Throne Room, Xasthur

:D I love all those bands...so ya what do you think?

Posted by burnoutfool - March 15th, 2009

I just got a recording program so this music project "Asinia" will be happening very soon.

Thanks for everything